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Sustainability and Resiliency Planning

Snook Solutions Concept for Sustainability and Resiliency Planning for a Community’s Watershed

By James D. Snook


Acknowledging the various effects of climate change that concerns geographic areas at different scales, from local to global, can be very challenging toward solutions. However, separation of geographic regions can be approached ecologically through a watershed approach, as a watershed has a physical boundary. People must implement solutions which are implemented through various levels of local, state, and federal governments that are not limited by watershed boundaries. Fritjof Capra, Ph.D. explains that “the way to sustain life is to build and nurture communities from local to global levels”. He believes in the advocacy for “ecological literacy, for everyone is to understand the basic principles of ecology and live accordingly” due to the need for systemic solutions to various interconnected environmental problems.  (Capra, 2020).   


A solution is needed that is ambitious, yet feasible and replicable throughout local, state, and federal governments.  This solution should also include a strong educational outreach, community benefit, and measurable climate impact for each watershed.


Snook Solutions has developed a concept for a solution to address each municipality, county, and/or watershed. Each entity could be provided access to a user-friendly guide to use a standardized methodology to prepare a customized Sustainability and Resiliency Plan (S&R Plan). In order to reach global equity concerns, a community’s S&R Plan could be focused to address several of the United Nation’s Sustainability Goals, including Goals 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, and 17. The two Goals most addressed will be Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable (United Nations, 2021).   


As per the Snook Solutions concept, a S&R Plan could provide advocacy for ecological literacy within the different levels of government, as the plan will need to be created and finalized through government procedures and approval. These procedures and state laws will regulate the implementation of social and environmental justice within the S&R Plan. In order to assist limited or voluntary staff in rural areas with small governments, additional technical assistance would be recommended to kickoff, educate, and monitor progress of implementation through metrics.  The proposed S&R Plan would therefore by a systemic process to customize a strategy for each community’s most important environmental issues, which can be used to augment the municipality’s existing Master Plan.  


Capra, F. Fritjof (2020). Capra speaks to The Heart of the Matter. YouTube 

Video. Retrieved from

United Nations (2021). Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

Retrieved from  

United Nations (n.d.). 17 Goals to Transform our world. Retrieved from

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