Research New Solutions
Snook Solutions is an informational resource that has voluntarily provided sustainability education since 2018 through virtual workshops, community-based campaigns, and non-profit volunteerism. Through academic research since 2016, Snook Solutions has accumulated extensive knowledge in the emerging fields of: watershed stewardship, ecological restoration, conservation biology, green and sustainable remediation, sustainable brownfield redevelopment, and sustainability and resiliency planning. Snook Solutions is not an active business.
Snook Solutions provides information in the emerging fields of Green and Sustainable Remediation, Sustainable Brownfield Redevelopment, and Sustainability and Resiliency Planning. In the future, Snook Solutions will be ready to partner with organizations who are ready to tackle the most complex environmental issues through best management practices.
Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) Services (Inactive 2021-2022)
Expert guidance of emerging New Jersey regulations
Project management of remediation of regulated properties
Preliminary assessment, site remediation, remedial investigation, and remedial action
Sensitive receptor evaluations, immediate environmental concerns (IECs), and public notification requirements
Remedial action permits and post-remediation monitoring
Review and certification of milestone reports
Response Action Outcomes (RAO)
Environmental Consulting
Project management
Underground storage tank (UST) removal
Site remediation of contaminated soil and ground water
Environmental compliance, due diligence, site characterization
Multi-phase environmental investigations
Installation of monitoring wells and soil borings
Sensitive receptor evaluations
Vapor intrusion investigations
Geology & Hydrogeology
Geologic evaluations
Groundwater fate and transport modeling
Aquifer performance tests and slug tests with analysis of aquifer data
Sustainable Brownfield Redevelopment
USEPA correspondence
Grant writing and applications
Brownfield assessment activities
Brownfield cleanup and reporting
Green and Sustainable Best Management Practices
ASTM Greener Cleanup Guide for Site Remediation
Sustainability & resiliency planning
Solutions to minimize the effects of climate change on the sugar maple
Advocacy and practices for the green and sustainable musician
Customized media advocacy using a social media campaign