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Currently enrolled in Ph.D. in Sustainability Education program, Prescott College, Fall 2020, 3.93 GPA with anticipated graduation in Fall 2022

MS, Environmental Studies, Green Mountain College and Prescott College, 2020, 4.0 GPA

MS, Hydrogeology, Clemson University, 1996, GPA 3.48


BS, Environmental Science, Susquehanna University, 1994, GPA 3.22


Currently enrolled in MS of Environmental Studies program, Green Mountain College and Prescott College, Fall 2018 - Summer 2020, 3.86 GPA (24 of 36 credits complete)

Continuing Education 1998-2019


Licensed Site Remediation Professional #586414, NJ, 2011 - Present


Professional Geologist #00005588, TN


NJDEP UST License - Subsurface #0023219, NJ, 2001


NJ Unregulated Heating Oil Tank Certification


OSHA Hazardous Waste Site Operations

Professional Memberships
Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast – Secretary and Executive Board Member

Commerce and Industry Association


Economic Development Association of New Jersey


Licensed Site Remediation Professional Association


Experience Summary

Mr. Snook is an environmental consultant, project manager, graduate student, Professional Geologist (PG), Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP), and the Secretary and an Executive Board Member of the 501c3 Non-profit Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast (BCONE). 


Environmental Consulting

Mr. Snook has extensive experience as an environmental consultant with a focus on site remediation, environmental compliance, hydrogeologic fate and transport investigations of contaminants, green remediation best management practices, Brownfields assessment and redevelopment, sustainable redevelopment, grant writing, public speaking, and event coordination. He has successfully navigated several clients through environmental regulations in multiple state and has achieved environmental compliance through milestone reports for remedial projects under several regulatory programs. He also provides federal and state regulatory expertise, project management, technical milestone reports, remediation of soil and ground water, hydrogeology and ground water modeling.  


In the area of site remediation, Mr. Snook has extensive experience in the areas of due diligence and soil and ground water remediation, spanning all remedial phases from Phase I and Preliminary Assessments through final Remedial Action or Phase III, along with regulatory site-wide release of liability for soil, ground water, surface water, sediment, and vapor intrusion. 


As a project manager, he is responsible for budget management, project scheduling, quality control/assurance, the mentoring of project staff, and subcontractor coordination. His responsibilities include the development of project remedial strategies, correspondence with clients and regulatory agencies, and the analysis of laboratory analytical results and procedures. Mr. Snook manages multiple soil and groundwater remediation projects simultaneously, authors the milestone reports, and provides daily expert regulatory advice for other projects.   


In Pennsylvania, Mr. Snook has almost 20 years of site remediation experience and co-authored PADEP Act 2 milestone reports. These projects included the remediation investigation and innovation of emerging remedial techniques for the petroleum industry and UST projects. For one project, executed within an expedited timeframe, he supervised and completed the on-site field investigations and subsequent reporting for remedial investigations on numerous gasoline stations considered for purchase by a large petroleum client. Mr. Snook has attended numerous Lehigh Valley Land Recycling Initiative (LVLRI) Brownfield Roundtable meetings as the project manager for the technical oversight of environmental projects, technical milestone reports, and project budgets. At Mott MacDonald, he acted as the firm’s Pennsylvania environmental expert on several large scale projects in Philadelphia that included meetings with state officials. 


Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP)

Mr. Snook is a Permanent LSRP in New Jersey with 20 years of site remediation experience. In November 2009, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) implemented the LSRP Program, which essentially privatizes and expedites the remediation approval process. Under the LSRP program, Response Action Outcomes (RAO) can be issued by the LSRP, which bear the same weight as the No Further Action (NFA) letters previously issued by the NJDEP.   Mr. Snook has been appointed as the LSRP of Record for 29 regulated sites that he supervised, which range from underground storage tank (UST) closures to multi-million dollar remediation projects. Mr. Snook has supervised the entire project closure and provided several RAOs.


As a LSRP, Mr. Snook manages remediation projects, certifies documents, approves remedial strategies, and oversees the remediation of contaminated sites in accordance with NJDEP regulations and guidance with minimal or no NJDEP oversight. He has extensive knowledge of NJDEP regulations and guidance, regulatory timeframes and mandatory timeframes, and the

application of emerging NJDEP regulatory updates and training, as well as the understanding of changes to various environmental laws included in the sweeping regulatory reform of the NJDEP. He has authored every type of milestone report applicable to NJDEP regulations.


501c3 Non-profit Involvement

As the Secretary and an Executive Board Member of the 501c3 Non-profit known as the Brownfield Coalition of the Northeast (BCONE), Mr. Snook is actively involved in coordinating BCONE’s conferences, seminars, events, meetings, and presentations.  In 2011, he presented a brief summary of BCONE at the Pennsylvania Brownfield Conference in Altoona, PA in September 2011 and he provided a corresponding marketing handout to all attendants. The brief summary provided an explanation of the organization, membership states, primary goals and activities, and sponsorship activities. His summary of the event was posted on BCONE’s website. 


In 2012-2013, he continued BCONE membership outreach efforts and attended all BCONE conference calls in 2012-2013. He also met with members of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) and USEPA to promote BCONE and its events at several events, including the annual 2012-2103 PA Brownfields Conferences. He promoted BCONE with Lehigh Valley, PA Brownfields officials on multiple occasions including a presentation in November 2013.


In 2014, he met with PADEP to promote BCONE at the 2014 RE3 Conference in Philadelphia. PADEP top officials became active members of BCONE’s Pennsylvania Regional Council, of which he was the chairperson. He was actively involved during 2013 and 2014 in event planning committees and developing marketing materials for several 2014 events. He gained approval to host a 2014 BCONE event with a sponsorship from his employer Mott MacDonald.  He was the BCONE Event Host and Co-planner of BCONE’s September 19, 2014 “Woodbridge Brownfield Event”, hosted at the Mott MacDonald training room. His presentation was entitled “How to Help a Municipality Turn a Brownfield into a Recreation Attraction Using Green Infrastructure Under the LSRP Program”. Photos can be viewed at


In 2015, Mr. Snook was selected as a member of BCONE’s Pennsylvania Regional Council. He was the chairperson of the BCONE Pennsylvania Expansion committee, which held its own meetings and conference calls. He provided several BCONE Email Blasts including a summary of each of NJDEP’s four Quarterly Brownfield Roundtable Meetings in 2015 plus summary of the 2015 RE3 Conference in Philadelphia.


Mr. Snook was elected as the BCONE Secretary and Executive Board Member in 2016. As the BCONE Secretary in 2016, he coordinated the expanded correspondence efforts for the 2016 BCONE Expansion that expanded the monthly or bi-monthly conference call attendants to include the Executive Board, Board of Directors, and the newly created Advisory Council. He was a featured speaker at BCONE’s March 2016 7th Annual Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop (NSCW) and his presentation was entitled “Emerging Cost-Effective Green Remediation Best Management Practices (BMPs): ASTM's Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups”.  He was the host, moderator, and co-coordinator of June 2016 BCONE Workshop entitled “Converting Contaminated Properties in Your Municipality into Assets”.  He provided opening remarks and was the moderator of a panel presentation entitled “Municipalities and the Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA)”.  He was the host and provided opening remarks for the November 2016 BCONE Workshop entitled “Resources to Jump Start Your Vacant Properties for Redevelopment”.  He was a featured speaker at the October 2016 Pennsylvania Brownfield Conference and also a panellist as an expert on ASTM's Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups as part of a presentation “Tools for Green Infrastructure and Remediation Decisions with NJIT, BRS, and Philadelphia Water Department”.


As the Secretary in 2017, he continued to expand its members and conference calls including the Advisory Council and attended the annual BCONE meeting on April 17, 2017. He provided BCONE’s closing remarks at the May 2017 BCONE Regulatory Update with NJSWEP at NJDEP public meeting room. At the December 2017 National Brownfield Conference, he provided the BCONE introduction for a panel presentation entitled “Revitalization of Old Industrial Sites for Multiple Reuse”.  Mr. Snook’s presentations at the National Brownfield Conference was entitled “Kickstart ASTM Greener Cleanup Projects”.


As the Secretary in 2018, coordinated a strategic alliance between BCONE and the American Institute for Professional Geologists (AIPG) as a result of his BCONE outreach efforts at the 2017 National Brownfield Conference. He was BCONE’s Lead Coordinator, Emcee, Tour Guide, and Panel Moderator for the April 2018 BCONE’s “Lehigh Valley Arts on Brownfields” event. Photos can be viewed at


Green and Sustainability Services

Mr. Snook has conducted research in the field of green and sustainable services, including preparing for the LEED green building certification examination. He has attended several Delaware Valley and Lehigh Valley green conferences and expositions.  Mr. Snook has applied the USEPA Region 3’s Greener Cleanup and Sustainable Reuse Policy and applied sustainability Best Management Practices (BMPs) in Phase I and II remedial investigations. Mr. Snook has been adopting the emerging Green Remediation BMPs for over 10 years in his projects and office work.


In 2016 and 2017, Mr. Snook was a featured speaker at seven conferences, in which he provided a presentation entitled “Emerging Cost-Effective Green Remediation Best Management Practices (BMPs): ASTM’s Standard Guide for Greener Cleanups”.  ASTM’s Standard Guide for Greener Cleanup, provides a program-neutral protocol to eliminate the use of excess energy, water and material resources during investigation and remediation activities, improving the cleanup aspect of brownfields redevelopment. The Standard, created by representatives from industry, consultants, states and EPA, can be used for contracting, incorporating into policy, or referencing in legal documents, and provides “brand” recognition. The Massachusetts cleanup program has already adopted use of the greener cleanup standard and other state cleanup programs may follow their lead. 


Brownfields Cleanup and Redevelopment

Mr. Snook has considerable experience in the area of public and private sector Brownfield projects. Mr. Snook has been appointed as the LSRP of Record for numerous regulated sites, and his experience includes the project planning and remediation of several public Brownfield redevelopment projects. 


He has significant experience providing hydrogeologic expertise for the remediation of some of New Jersey’s more complex private Brownfield redevelopment projects, ranging from 17 acres up to 230 acres in size. These projects included various daily environmental activities and encompassed numerous remedial investigations of soil, groundwater, sediment, surface water, and stormwater. Among other various tasks, he managed field sampling teams, managed budgets, wrote hydrogeologic milestone reports, supervised various remedial actions, provided expert regulatory advice to executive staff, supervised and coordinated subcontractors, supervised the placement and stabilization of processed dredged material (PDM) on a large scale, evaluated laboratory data and data quality, and acted as the Quality Assurance Officer for NJ Certified Laboratory for Immediately Analyze Parameters.


Mr. Snook has acted as Project Manager of USEPA Brownfield Assessment Pilot activities, provided presentations at various events and public workshops including inter-agency workgroups (IAWG), and co-authored $400,000 award-winning Brownfield Cleanup grant proposals from USEPA, HDSRF and other grants opportunities. 


Mr. Snook has experience in the environmental compliance and remediation of various sites in eastern Pennsylvania since 1998. He has experience in the technical evaluation of milestone reports, presentations, and attendance at various events and meetings related to a Brownfield Assessment Grant Phase I and II in the Lehigh Valley, PA. 


Mr. Snook is accustomed to appearing at public meetings and providing public presentations, and has presented at several public workshops and inter-agency workgroups. Mr. Snook has managed many projects for both public and private sector, which require interfacing with community groups and individuals and the preparation/implementation of complex Health & Safety Plans. 


Teaching Experience:  Teaching Assistant, Clemson University

As an outgoing member of Clemson’s student body and staff, Mr. Snook was both a Research and Teaching Assistant, where he completed environmental and hydrogeology pollution transport studies at the Savannah River Site and also taught undergraduate courses in environmental science and geology. He was hired by Clemson’s hydrogeology professor as his sole environmental consultant assistant throughout my Master’s studies, focusing on contaminant karst hydrogeology projects. He was also hired by Clemson to complete environmental education materials summarizing South Carolina’s environmental history to be utilized in undergraduate classes and across the state. He was a leader of the Clemson Outdoor Club, planning and leading undergraduate students through several enormous caves in Tennessee where overseeing health and safety of the students was necessary.


Technical Skills

Mr. Snook’s experience includes environmental compliance, due diligence, site characterization, hydrogeologic investigations, including slug tests and pump tests with analysis of aquifer data, multi-phase environmental investigations, and sampling techniques, groundwater and vapor intrusion fate and transport modeling, subsurface remediation of soil and groundwater, installation of monitoring wells and soil borings using numerous types of drill rigs in various and complex geologic settings, sensitive receptor studies, and UST projects.


Marcellus Shale

Mr. Snook has been involved in the evaluation of Marcellus Shale natural gas resources, co-authoring a detailed report and visual presentation regarding the in-depth geologic evaluation, exploratory natural gas evaluation, water resources evaluation, and economic evaluation for the owner of approximately 10,000 acres in Pennsylvania.

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